Restored Sun Joe CJ602E 15 Amp Electric Wood Chipper/Shredder (Refurbished)
- Ideal for turning branches and twigs into nutrient-rich garden mulch
- Powerful 15 amp motor effectively chips and shreds branches up to 1.5-Inches thick
- Compact design with 6-inch wheels for easy portability
- Safety hopper with locking knob prevents the motor from operating when opened
- Factory Authorized Remanufactured using original parts and trained service technicians. Includes 6 month warranty
- Refurbished by SJM Recommerce, an authorized refurbishing center for the Snow Joe and Sun Joe brands
Quickly turn your yard debris into nutrient-rich garden mulch and do your part
to reduce, reuse and recycle with the Sun Joe electric chipper/shredder.
Powered by a robust 15-amp motor, the CJ602E electric wood chipper and
shredder generates speeds of up to 4,300 revolutions per minute, making quick
work out of the brush, leaves and branches overcrowding your lawn. Designed
for light-duty jobs, this wood chipper effectively chips and shreds wooden
sticks and limbs up to 1.5-inches thick, reducing your yard waste up to 1/17th
its original size. The minimized wood chips resulting from Sun Joe’s efforts
are perfect for use as garden mulch around your trees and flower beds. Easy to
assemble and virtually maintenance free, the Sun Joe electric chipper and
shredder is ready to go when you are. Just plug it in and instantly start
chipping! Unlike gas-powered tools, the electric-powered Sun Joe means you
don’t have to deal with smoke, fumes, unpredictable starters and costly tune-
ups. The CJ602E also features a safety stop that automatically engages when
the hopper is opened..