LINCOLN ELECTRIC CO ED029897 E6016 1-/6″ Fleetweld 37 Welding Rod,Black
- Package Dimensions: 10.7 L x 1.1 H x 1.2 W (inches)
- Package Weight : 1.1 pounds
- Country of Origin : Mexico
- Part number: ED029897
- Color: Black
The Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 37 Stick Welding Electrodes are designed for
welding onto new, clean steel. Constructed to provide a stable arc and work
with low amperages. 1/16in. x 12in. Product Type Welding rod, Welding Rod Type
E6016, Welding Processes Arc, Rods qty 1 lb., Rod Size in. 1/16, Compatible
With Steel. 1/16in. dia. x 12in.L sticks Delivers excellent bead appearance
Operable with low amperages on sheet metal Slag control accommodates vertical
down welding